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On this page you'll find a selection of articles which have been published in CowManagement over the past few months.
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Articles: Text
Simplicity key to continued success (March 22)
A straightforward system is behind the continued and sustained success of one pedigree Ayrshire herd. We find out how it’s remained the...
Dispelling the myths around Johne’s (Feb 22)
There are still many myths surrounding Johne’s disease and how to tackle it. NMR vet Karen Bond answers some key questions to correct a...
Tech ‘sniffs out’ lower-emission genes (Feb 22)
As the pressure on producers to reduce methane emissions increases, could breeding be an important part of the solution? We find out more...
Rise to the ‘challenge’ of reducing forage costs (Feb 22)
Grazed grass and silage are still among the cheapest feeds for cows. And steps can be taken to mitigate the cost of producing quality...
Building bTB resilience through breeding (Feb 22)
Can long-term breeding plans reduce the impact bovine TB can have on your herd and business? We spoke to a producer and a geneticist to...
BVD targets and funding set to push schemes forward (Feb 22)
Eradicating BVD in the UK – where are we now, and where are we heading? We spoke to a leading cattle vet and the technical director of...
Post-calving care key to LDA prevention (Feb 22)
Westpoint Farm Vet’s Tim Potter takes a closer look at the causes of a common post-calving condition, how to treat it and – more ...
Mitigating climate-change threat boosts herd efficiency (Feb 22)
Environmental challenges faced by one Dorset-based unit have seen dairy management evolve to maintain profitability and increase...
Maize ‘match’ can offer mutual benefits (Jan 22)
Growing maize in partnership with neighbouring arable producers can benefit both parties and increase the quantity and quality of maize...
Maize earlage supports high-yielding herd (Jan 2022)
Maize earlage can help producers reduce the requirement for bought-in feed and aid harvesting in difficult autumn conditions. Read on to...
Double standards (Jan 2022)
Shropshire-based producer and award-winning columnist Roger Evans reminisces about train journeys to London and ‘feggy’ fields. There was...
Track and trace to reduce bTB risk (Jan 2022)
Protecting feed and water from badger ingress should be top of producers’ biosecurity list to lower the risk of spreading bovine TB. ...
Golden girls return to Sark (Jan 2022)
The warm climate matched the welcome for the herd managers of a new dairy unit, recently set up on the remote island of Sark, just off...
Mixer maintenance key to maximising performance (Nov/Dec 2021)
The mixer wagon is the second most-used piece of machinery on dairy units, so it’s vital to ensure it’s working efficiently. How can...
It pays to keep cows for longer (Nov/Dec 2021)
There is strong evidence to link an increased number of lactations with greater potential profitability. So says Trouw Nutrition GB’s...
No producer – no dairy business (Nov/Dec 2021)
Pressure – both physical and emotional – on producers is currently ‘off the scale’, compounding the problems created by COVID-19...
Bovine TB – do you have a plan? (Nov/Dec 2021)
Vet and technical director of the TB Advisory Service Sarah Tomlinson shares the lowdown on controlling the disease and how to access...
Genomic selection increases cow health and longevity (Nov/Dec 2021)
Analysis of key production and performance parameters shows that using genomic test data effectively can improve herd health, efficiency...
What’s the outlook for dairy in 2022?
Promar International’s divisional director John Giles, who also serves on the Institute of Agricultural Management’s council, shares...
Tackling hoof health - no more excuses (Oct 2021)
We asked some of the industry’s top hoof-health specialists for their advice on treating and preventing lameness in UK herds. And they...
What’s behind target age at first calving? (Oct 2021)
Westpoint Farm Vet’s Tim Potter, who specialises in dairy and young stock, looks at the reasons why the industry target age at first...
Test before treating heifers at housing (Oct 2021)
Treating young heifers with broad-spectrum products to kill a range of parasites may not be the most sensible approach. TEXT SARA GREGSON...
Milk test streamlines fertility management (Oct 2021)
Using a milk-sample test to confirm pregnancy is proving highly accurate, and it’s also helping to improve fertility management on one ...
Measure and monitor to meet heifer-rearing targets (Oct 2021)
Successful heifer rearing should focus on more than just the end goal of calving at 24 months old. We spoke to a leading dairy vet to...
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